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School Menu

The Greenside Food Experience

Our Chef Sofia and her team continue to cook delicious vegetarian lunches that are nutritious and served in our Greenside lunchroom. Sofia is a passionate cook who has worked in a variety of different food environments around the world. The lunches offer a choice of two hot vegetarian meals with salad, bread and a pudding. There is a greater emphasis on the communal aspect of eating, with more food being served at the table and the pupils are encouraged to serve each other. We are pleased to say that we are now a 100% school lunch community – we do not allow packed lunches at all here at Greenside.

The philosophy behind our move to vegetarian food is that we can provide an educational experience, showing the importance of sustainability, introducing the pupils to alternatives, as well as giving them a fully inclusive dining experience. We consider good nutrition to be essential to the health and well-being of the pupils and our school meals will be freshly prepared in our own kitchen using top quality wholesome ingredients. For example, we will not use any pre-produced sauces. We are committed to supporting suppliers who grow vegetables for flavour using regenerative farming methods. We are pleased to showcase produce from Natoora, Wildfarmed and Neal’s Yard. All of our meals meet nutritional guidelines and have been verified by a nutritionist. We aim to source more local products and fruits and vegetables that are in season and so fresher and more economical. Our Greenside garden continues to thrive and, thanks to the help of our pupils and family volunteers, we are able to supply the kitchen with fresh vegetables throughout the year.

We have been featured on Jamie’s Meat Free Meals – this was a great way to celebrate the success of our Food Experience.

Nut Allergies

Greenside has pupils with serious peanut allergies. We do not serve nuts at school.  Please be aware that because of this we cannot allow peanut or peanut related foods at Greenside in any capacity.

This includes:

  • Cereal bars with nuts

  • Peanut butter

  • Packets or peanuts of other nuts

  • Biscuits that might be contaminated by nuts and have a warning on their labels

  • Cakes with added nuts

  • Satays of any description